
Happy Memorial Day from Filosofia

    Here's hoping your Memorial Day is not only relaxing

    but also involves
    something patriotic like flags...

     fighter jets

     and soup!


Filosofia Joins Whiteboard Journal

    Filosofia's review of the new Ai Wei Wei show in Berlin
    and the contentions surrounding it was just published at Whiteboard Journal.
    Click here to read the full article.


A House Is A Machine for Living...

    Well said, my old Southern California Institute of Architecture couch!
    Le Corbusier would be proud.


A-B-C easy as 1-2-3

    I just spent a titillating morning at the Ausländerbehörde (Foreigner's Office)
    and was absolutely mesmerized and humbled by their unbelievably
    complex numbering system.

    This is the waiting room and number board.
    My number is 784.
    I know it might look like I missed my turn,
    but my number actually wasn't called yet.
    Nope, still not yet.

    Some things, I've learned,
    are really far beyond my limited comprehension skills.

    On that note,
    let's take a break and enjoy something that everyone (except
    for the Ausländerbehörde) can understand.
    (No offense, of course. I'd still like to get my visa.)


Apocalypse Now

     whoever said today is the rapture
     was probably just confusing it with 1984...

    now go eat some chocolate and celebrate the world not ending!



    If your boyfriend decides to learn scripting,
    and you begin to worry that he might be spending more time with his computer
    than with you...
    and that maybe he might even like his computer more than you...
    and since he feels that way maybe he should just go marry it...

    Perhaps a nice alternative would be to instead
    have him incorporate you into the variables of his scripts.
    That way all the time he spends on that machine
    actually becomes a geometric homage to you!

    Kind of the pinnacle of geeky romance, no?


Bears in Trees and Fish in Boxes: Art Night Berlin

    If you took the time to slog through April's open gallery weekend,
    you might have found a handful of really interesting pieces.
    Here are some of my favorites.

    Mesmerizing pencil drawings on the walls
    Mesmerizing pencil drawings on the floor 
    (complemented by my glitter shoes)
    Fish in boxes
    An elephant stuck in a tree that really looked like a bear from the back

    Ai WeiWei's trees sans bears and sans Ai Wei Wei
    Some impressively large and layered collage drawings
    (use the feet for scale)
    And my winner of the night ended up being this extremely beautiful
    short film that used reflections to create what ended up looking like
    an animated impressionist portrait.



When You Take Your Dog Kayaking...

     Make sure to properly shade him from the sun
     and keep him adequately hydrated!

    Better watch out hipster puppies, you've got competition!


The Wind Cannot Read...and The Clouds Cannot Sing

    At my hotel in Stockholm I picked up some intriguing reading material...
    While I will probably use 'The Wind Cannot Read' for blackout poetry
    I am pretty excited to learn more about the 'Psychic Power of Pyramids'
    Just check out how juicy this table of contents looks:

    invisible pyramids!!

    esoteric pyramids, you say? do go on!

    and your guess is as good as mine
    about what razorblades and pyramids have in common...
    but I'm curious now!
    This book also includes some unexpectedly inspiring images

    So, who wants to join book club?!


Happy Mother's Day from Filosofia

    Since I'm several thousand miles away from my mother today
    in lieu of in-person activities I instead made her this card...
    What will you do with your mom today?


It's Getting Hot in Here

    I just came back from a quick trip to Stockholm
    where I was a guest juror for mid-reviews at the KTH School of Architecture.

    While I was there I got my fix of Swedish meatballs and herring...
    Saw some impressive Superstudio drawings and collages....

    And a few minutes before hopping on the train to the airport,
    coincidentally walked past the KTH again...only this time it was on fire.
    My thoughts go out to the students, faculty, and staff impacted
    by this terrible, and extensive blaze.
    I know all of Stockholm dislikes your building,
    but don't give up on that awesome bunker of yours!


2001 Elephants Selected for 20 Best!

     Our Mosaic earrings from our 2001 Elephants line has just been
     featured on 20best20 !
who wants some?!