I know my blog is supposed to be mainly about things related to art,
architecture, and design but I would like to reevaluate that standard
definition for a moment.
My godmother passed away a few days ago and as arguably the most
important person in my life, I have been spending some time reflecting
on what made her presence so invaluable to me. Supporting me through
every hurdle I have faced in my 26 years, my godmother was unwavering
in her devotion and confidence in both me and the world. She taught me
how to laugh at myself... even when I made something this ugly:
So I have decided that
Elizabeth Strahan is more than just a godmother, grandmother, mother,
and friend.
She is art.
Art is bold, unapologetic, visionary, and political.
Art is full of conviction, color, elegance, humor, tragedy, and compassion.
Art is timeless and so is Lizzie.
I'll miss her everyday.